Note: Please either use the base version or this complete version but do not use both. Requires: Base Game Contains script file: Yes If you downloaded the social media mod just for the “phone interactions” then you can just download this mod instead because it’s not based on followers. You may also want to delete the localthumbcache.This mod focuses on adding more realism to the game! This mod adds physical changes to sims based on mood, new buffs, and a cellphone menu which is very similar to the social media mod! This mod applies to every sim even the NPC sims.They are in a ZIP file so you will need to unzip them.

It is highly recommended that you have the mod installed to get the most use out of these! It is linked above and she has guides on how to install the mod on her website! If the mod is not installed, you can still use these but they will just be available as CAS items and will not show up in your game as your sim’s mood changes. Have KawaiiStacie’s Slice of Life mod installed.Link to previews/guide on installation/download link under the cut! BUT I wanted to share these for anyone who might want them! !!IMPORTANT NOTE!! I did not create replacements for ALL of the overlays available in the mod, I mostly did this for my own game and I did not feel like all of the overlays needed to be changed for what I was looking for for my own experiences. She also makes a ton of other mods as well so you should definitely go see what she has to offer!! Hi all! I made some overlays to use with Slice of Life mod! It’s a fantastic mod with a lot of customization options and I really enjoy having it in my game.